Casel is proud to announce trueNorth Medical, Canada's leading provider of addiction medicine care, now has over 100 clinic locations across Ontario.
Casel Medical Services Inc.
What is Casel?
Casel is the administrative and clinical infrastructure hub for a number of programs and their respective services.
Casel’s hub uses cloud-based computing and communications in order to optimize medical resources and integrate health care. Casel aims to connect more service users to providers using the latest advances in technology. You can learn more about how our model of care operates by watching the video.
Casel affiliates have open access to this hub, meaning all of our affiliates have access to Casel’s team of skilled medical experts and frontline staff members at their fingertips. This model of integrated health care aims to facilitate better collaboration among providers, improve the coordination of services, and ultimately, provide better health care to service users.
If Casel’s cause aligns with yours, join our movement towards comprehensive health care reform.
Casel supports the following programs and their services:
Partnering with Local Community Providers
Nobody understands the unique needs and disparities in health care better than local health care providers. This is because local physicians, pharmacists and other support workers alike are in the best position to understand the needs and circumstances of their local community. In our experience, we find that service users do far better when we collaborate with well-established community providers for this reason, as they would within traditional, stand-alone organizations.
By adding Casel’s programs to these existing local community services, we can move towards a collaborative and integrated delivery of health care, ultimately improving health outcomes for service users.
Clinical Expertise in Evidence Based Practice
Well-supported scientific evidence shows integration of health care services:
increases quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of health care
expands access to care and improves care coordination
provides better health outcomes, helps address health disparities, and reduces health care costs for service users
At Casel, we are committed to reducing potential barriers to accessing care. This is why all of our programs offer:
Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) coverage for services
same-day assessment and treatment
walk-in option, no appointment or referral needed
No Administrative Hassle
Running and managing safe, effective and efficient health care programs and services involves a variety of complex and vital administrative duties, such as responding to telephone and email inquiries, dealing with incoming and outgoing faxes, and handling necessary paper and electronic documents in a timely manner. Most programs rely heavily on on-site staff members to ensure completion of such duties. This can be challenging and time-consuming.
Casel is different. We employ a trained team of direct care providers, clinical administrators and IT experts. This, along with our advanced cloud-based infrastructure, allows a shift of these administrative duties from your team to ours.
By offloading these duties, our community affiliates report a massive reduction of the workload on their on-site staff members. With Casel’s partnership, new service users require only 5 to 10 minutes, while follow-up cases take about 1 to 2 minutes at most.
Our Stories
In just a few short years, Casel has grown from one site to over 50 locations throughout Ontario.
Our wide range of community affiliates we work alongside include:
Addiction services organizations
Counselling services
Community agencies
Non-for-profit organizations
Shelters and supportive housing agencies
Residential treatment programs
Detoxification & rehabilitation programs
Community health centres
Primary care medical clinics
Clinician Testimonial
❝ I have been working in addiction medicine for nearly 20 years and have been watching Ontario's overdose epidemic spiral out of control. For all of us on the front lines, it is clear that we need more addiction medicine services, for more patients, in more communities. But the traditional hospital-based outpatient clinic where I was working was ill-equipped to deal with this rapidly changing health crisis.
Before working with Casel, the best I could do was to help a small group of patients near my clinic. Thanks to Casel's innovative TEEMAP approach, I am now able to provide addiction medicine care to patients in over 40 communities and neighborhoods across Ontario. ❞
Community Affiliate Testimonial
❝ In 2015, Casel opened an addiction medicine program in our town. Prior to that, the nearest addiction medicine program was a one-hour drive away. Many of the addiction-medicine patients in our community needed to make this drive once or even twice a week. Not only was this drive time consuming, it was incredibly expensive. Our town has no bus service, so Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services was paying for each of these patients to take a taxi cab to the addiction program an hour away.
The estimated cost of cab fares alone for these patients was over $700,000 per year. By implementing a program in our community, Casel is saving taxpayers close to $700,000 a year. ❞
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